The RSS 2.0 Specification
The RSS specification, in keeping with the spirit of simplicity, is short and concise. A valid RSS file is also a valid XML 1.0 document, and the specification lists all the optional and required elements (the count of required elements is relatively small). By reading the RSS 2.0 specification in its entirety at, one can see the ultimate goal of RSS is to make writing software for consuming and producing RSS as easy as possible. Simplicity is one of the keys to the widespread success of RSS. What follows is a sample RSS feed from the community starter kit:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>.NET Events</title> <link>http://server/CSK/Events/default.aspx</link> <description>Events highlights upcoming meetings and social gatherings, such as Professional Developer Program Nights, Bring Your Favorite Laptop events, and Certification Study Group...