Chapter 4. Bootstrappin' a WordPress Theme
WordPress is a very popular Content Management System (CMS) system. It now powers 25 percent of all sites across the web. WordPress is free, open-source, and based on PHP. To learn more about WordPress, you can also visit Packt's WordPress Tech page at
Now, let's turn our design from the Chapter 3, Customizing Your Blog with Bootstrap and Sass, into a WordPress theme. There are many Bootstrap-based themes that we could choose. We've taken care to integrate Bootstrap's powerful Sass styles and JavaScript plugins with the best practices found for HTML5. It will be to our advantage to use a theme that does the same. We'll use the JBST4 theme for this exercise. JBST4 is a blank WordPress theme built with Bootstrap 4.
The JBST 4 theme has established itself as a starter theme that leverages the power of Bootstrap while hewing to the implementation of best practices at...