Creating Blueprint Splines
A Spline is a special mathematical function used to define curves. A Blueprint Spline component can be used to define a path to move Actors in the level. We can also get locations along the path to place instances. We can edit the spline in the Level Editor by adding, translating, and rotating spline points.
The next screenshot shows three common functions of the Spline component:
Figure 19.16 – Some functions of the Spline component
Here is a description of the functions:
- Get Spline Length: This function returns a Float value with the length of the Spline.
- Get Location at Distance Along Spline: This function receives Distance as an input parameter and returns the location found in the Spline. Coordinate Space can be Local (relative) or World.
- Get Rotation at Distance Along Spline: The same idea as the previous function, but it returns the rotation.
We will create a Blueprint named BP_SplinePlacement...