Right-Sizing Workloads
One of the key benefits as well as the driver for cloud adoption is the reduction in operational as well as resource costs, and one of the key factors that contributes to this is called right-sizing. In this section of the chapter, you will learn what right-sizing is all about and explore some tools and essential tips to keep in mind when right-sizing your own workloads.
Right-sizing, as the name implies, refers to the process of providing workloads with the right number of resources required to run. This becomes increasingly essential in cloud environments where resources are billed based on the quantity or volume of usage, so any unnecessary resources that you assign to your workloads will incur additional costs.
But if right-sizing is so important, why isn’t it talked about that often? Well, most organizations that adopt the cloud journey through a lift-and-shift migration size their workloads based on the assumption that the number of resources...