Duplicating and replacing components in an assembly
Within an assembly, you can duplicate and replace components with ease. In many instances, you will need to duplicate or replicate parts or subassemblies – for example, standard components such as fasteners.
In this recipe, you will learn how to automatically place and size a fastener, and then replace and change the fastener. You will also learn to mirror and then pattern the component within an assembly. All these techniques should be combined when modeling assemblies in Inventor, as they maximize your efficiency and result in you having to recreate repeating geometry.
Getting ready
To begin this recipe, you will need to access and open Flange Assem.iam
. This can be found in the following folder directory: Inventor 2023 Cookbook
Chapter 6
| Flange
How to do it…
Ensure that you have Flange Assem.iam
open in Inventor. In this recipe, we will begin the first steps of how to automatically place and size...