Chapter 4: Classification
Activity 7: Preparing Credit Data for Classification
This section will discuss how to prepare data for a classifier. We will be using from, as an example and prepare the data for training and testing a classifier. Make sure all your labels are numeric, and the values are prepared for classification. Use 80% of the data points as training data.
- Save from, and open it in a text editor like Sublime Text or Atom. Add the following first row to it:
CheckingAccountStatus DurationMonths CreditHistory CreditPurpose CreditAmount SavingsAccount EmploymentSince DisposableIncomePercent PersonalStatusSex OtherDebtors PresentResidenceMonths Property Age OtherInstallmentPlans Housing NumberOfExistingCreditsInBank Job LiabilityNumberOfPeople Phone ForeignWorker CreditScore
- Import the data...