Another typical component for IoT projects are simple displays. We have already used two different LED segment-based displays, but there are other models that offer more functionality and versatility while still being cheap, such as LCD displays and OLED screens.
Both the LCD screen and the OLED screen drivers work by giving us access to the pixels on the screen, including some utility methods to draw text or even bitmaps depending on the case. The main difference is that on the LCD screen, the pixels are grouped into separated characters (5 by 8 pixels each), arranged in rows and columns (typically, two rows of 16 characters), while the OLED is a continuous screen, typically monochrome.

To use an LCD screen, we need to add the following driver by Gautier Mechling:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.nilhcem.androidthings:driver-lcd-pcf8574:+&apos...