We have made all the code changes to enable Houdini now. We can build the system image using the following commands:
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch x86emu_x86-eng
$ m -j4
After we build the system image, we can test it. Of course, we can test the images using any Android application that can run on the ARM architecture. However, in order to get details about the test targets, we will use two unit test applications to verify our work in this chapter. The first one is a standalone ARM application that can be run from the command line. The second one is an Android application with a JNI shared library for ARM only. The Android emulator images and test binaries in this chapter can be downloaded from https://sourceforge.net/projects/android-system-programming/files/android-7/ch05/ch05.zip/download.
The source code for these two test applications is hosted on GitHub. You can get the source code...