Managing spaces
A space in Alfresco is nothing but a folder, which contains content as well as sub-spaces. Space users are the users invited to a space to perform specific actions, such as editing content, adding content, discussing a particular document, and so on. The exact capability a given user has within a space is a function of their role or rights.
Consider the capability of creating a sub-space. By default, to create a sub-space, one of the following must apply:
The user is the administrator of the system
The user has been granted the Contributor role.
The user has been granted the Coordinator role.
The user has been granted the Collaborator role.
Similarly, to edit space properties, a user will need to be the administrator or be granted a role that gives them rights to edit the space. These roles include Editor, Collaborator, and Coordinator. For more information about user roles on a space, refer Chapter 4, Implementing Membership and Security.
Space is a smart folder
Space is a folder...