2020 was a rough year. We’ve had friends and family leave us. Jobs lost. Health scares a plenty and that’s without counting a global pandemic. The end of PASS. US politics has been .. nail biting to say the very least. All around it’s just been a tough year.
On the other hand, I’m still alive, and if you are reading this so are you. There are vaccines becoming available for Covid and it looks like the US government may not try to kill us all off in 2021. Several people I know have had babies! I’ve lost over 50 lbs! (Although I absolutely do not recommend my methods.) Microsoft is showing it’s usual support for the SQL Server community and the community itself is rallying together and doing everything they can to salvage resources from PASS. And we are still and always a community that thrives on supporting each other.
2020 was a difficult year. But there is always, that most valuable thing. Hope. A singer/songwriter I follow on youtube did a 2020 year in review song. It’s worth watching just for her amazing talent and beautiful voice, but at about 4:30 she makes a statement that really resonated with me.
There’s life in between the headlines and fear.
The little victories made this year.
No matter what happens we keep doing good.
-Is that all we have?
Yes and we always should!
There’s nothing you can’t overcome.
So for this new year I wish all of you that most precious of gifts. Hope.
The post Hope! appeared first on SQLServerCentral.