[box type="note" align="" class="" width=""]This article is an excerpt from a book by David Blomquist and Tomasz Janiszewski titled Apache Mesos Cookbook. From this book, you will get to know tips and tricks along with best practices to follow when working with Mesos.[/box]
In today’s tutorial, we will learn about building and enabling the Jenkins Mesos plugin.
By default, Jenkins uses statically created agents and runs jobs on them. We can extend this behavior with a plugin that will make Jenkins use Mesos as a resource manager. Jenkins will register as a Mesos framework and accept offers when it needs to run a job.
The Jenkins Mesos plugin installation is a little bit harder than Marathon. There are no official binary packages for it, so it must be installed from sources:
curl -L
https://github.com/jenkinsci/mesos-plugin/archive/mesos-0.14.0.tar. gz | tar -zx
cd jenkinsci-mesos-plugin-*
sudo apt install maven
mvn package
If everything goes smoothly, you should see information, that all tests passed and the plugin package will be placed in target/mesos.hpi.
Jenkins is written in Java and presents an API for creating plugins. Plugins do not have to be written in Java, but must be compatible with those interfaces so most plugins are written in Java. The natural choice for building a Java application is Maven, although Gradle is getting more and more popular. The Jenkins Mesos plugin uses the Mesos native library to communicate with Mesos. This communication is now deprecated, so the plugin does not support all Mesos features that are available with the Mesos HTTP API.
Here you will learn how to enable the Mesos Jenkins plugin and configure a job to be run on Mesos.
Remember to configure Slave username to the existing system user on Mesos agents. It will be used to run your jobs. By default, it will be jenkins. You can create it on slaves with the following command:
adduser jenkins
We learnt about building and enabling Jenkins Mesos plugin. You can know more about how to configure and maintain Apache Mesos from Apache Mesos Cookbook.