By BraveNewCode (http://www.bravenewcode.com/)
Why it's awesome: Incredibly cool mobile version of your site for modern day smart phones
Why it was picked: Look and feel, configurations, icons—it's just beautiful!

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wptouch/
Automatic Install search term: WPTouch
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Settings | WPTouch
Used in: Pages, posts, comments
For readers who find WordPress Mobile Pack's user experience lacking and are less concerned with a blog that can be browsed in any Nokia device, they will rejoice with WPTouch. WPTouch is an insanely well designed and thought-out plugin that turns your blog into one powerful mobile WebApp.
WPTouch not only offers an excellent user experience for Android, iPhone, Palm Pre, and some BlackBerry devices, it also has built-in support for a bunch of popular WordPress plugins for Caching, Tweeting, and more.

The previous screenshot shows WPTouch...