Fluency Admin
By Dean Robinson (http://deanjrobinson.com/)
Why it's awesome: Straight up—it turns your boring WordPress administrator into a beautiful, keyboard-friendly, and highly usable content manager
Why it was picked: No other admin theme pays attention to the details that Fluency does

Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/fluency-admin/
Automatic Install search term: Fluency Admin
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: Settings | Fluency Settings
Used in: All Admin
Once you have installed Fluency Admin, your view of the WordPress's administrator will change forever. Yes that's a bold statement, but once you have experienced the quick key access, the sexy black gloss and the attention to detail that Dean paid—the out of the box WordPress admin will feel, well, ancient.
Quick key access
Not only does Fluency Admin make the administrator look good, but it also helps you become significantly more productive, navigating all of your blog's administrative options...