Chapter 12. Creating Lifecycles, Alias Sets, and Permission Sets
In the previous chapter we created a custom object type and some attributes for the News Article object. Let us now design a custom Lifecycle for the News Article object so that when an instance (or content object) is created from News Article object type, it can be moved across the various Lifecycle stages such as Staging (or Review), Approval, etc. before taking the content live. A Lifecycle object in Documentum is associated with some other related objects such as Alias Sets, Permission Sets (ACLs), etc. and it is advisable to quickly go through the introductory chapters to flip through the basics we discussed earlier.
Broadly speaking, while designing Lifecycles, you need to bear in mind three important components:
Alias Set(s) for the Lifecycle
Permission Sets (ACLs) for various stages in the Lifecycle flow
Actual Lifecycle design such as stages, labels, any scripts for pre or post processing, etc.
We will cover each of these...