Adjusting player speed
A good place to start getting to know the internal variables for the player is the web page
This page doesn't show you how to change values at our disposal but it can help elucidate ways a pawn can work.
One important variable to set for characters is how fast they move, particularly if their speed has to vary in different situations. This is what we'll deal with in this recipe, by creating a hotkey controlled sprint capacity for our player pawn class.
Getting ready
Open the file Packt_06_Sprint_Start.UDK and note the PlayerStart is within a long passage. We have to run really fast to clear a sinking door, and if we don't we're fried. One way to adjust player speed is through an edit to the MyPawn.UC class, so open this in ConTEXT: C:\UDK\~\Development\Src\MyGame\Classes\MyPawn.UC
You can also set a key for the player speed in Kismet using a New Action | Misc | Console Command action with a command entered...