Chapter 9. The Devil Is In The Details!—Making the Most of Materials
This chapter's recipes cover some of the Material Editor's deepest, darkest secrets. Most of the solutions pave the way for further exploration; exposure to a new tool often means that other functionality is also exposed. The recipes presented here are not tailored exclusively for a game level (for simplicity's sake), but their use in game construction is explained too.
In this chapter, we'll discuss activities such as:
Animating a Material Instance Constant in Kismet
Forcing a mesh to always face the camera
A cloth-like effect using WorldPositionOffset
Creating murky liquid
Creating a scanning effect
Quick glass
Creating transitions between materials
Static Cubemap creation and real-time reflection
Wet surface reflections with dynamic actors
Making a holographic effect using Bump Offset
Getting varied hit impacts off models using a PhysicalMaterial