Adding a physics-driven tail to a key framed SkeletalMesh
Our model has a prominent tail, and it would be good to be able to use physics on this to control its behavior. The process also works with capes and long hair.
How to do it...
So the tail can work, back in 3ds Max we would need to add tail bones to our original model, which ideally would occur right at the original rigging and skinning stage. To speed things up, we will use an alternative model Packt_SkinTail.PSK with a tail already weighted to additional bones, and a corresponding AnimSet Packt_SkinTailAnims. In this replacement character, three tail bones have been skinned to the mesh after being linked to b_Hips.
To avoid wasting the work we did on your physics asset so far, find it in the Content Browser, right-click on it, and choose Create a Copy. Name the copy CharPhysics_TailAdd and open it. This asset uses the Packt_Character SkeletalMesh, which has no tail bones. Luckily there is a tool, in the PhAT Editor Edit menu called...