In this chapter, we applied some of the AI techniques that we learned previously to our simple tanks combat game. Then, of course, we'd be able to use some more techniques in a larger game scope. Still, in this short chapter, we reused the simple FSM framework that we built in Chapter 2, Finite State Machines, as well as Unity's built-in navigation meshes capabilities.
This example project is a perfect starting point for exploring the AI techniques introduced in this book. You can implement many more improvements to the AI of this demo, and I encourage you to play with it a bit more. There are several pieces of low-hanging fruit, so here are my suggestions:
As a first exercise, you can increase the number of states, for instance, by adding a Chasing state in which the tank will actively look for the player. This structure is like the Attack state, but with a bigger radius. Then, as a more significant step, try to replace the FSM with a Behavior tree. The Behavior...