Shaping the journey for care teams and patients
The journey is one of continual health over a full lifetime. Already in Chapter 2, Exploring Relevant Technologies for Healthcare, we defined the Health eXperience (HeX) as the continuation of health and the services around it. These services optimize the HeX for as high a number of patients or clients that a care team can attend to as possible. Demand is driven in terms of improving health, lifestyle, and participation. This is done with flexible resources and a broad range of available technology-based support services. Services are coordinated within the ecosystem micro-communities. This requires activities and interactions between those activities.
With the OODA activities in mind, we need a way to structure the stories we get from the work floor. A structure derived from the HeX and health journeys, triggered by events in the health condition, is built on the interactions in the touchpoints within these journeys. We introduce...