Chapter 4 – Scrum Events
- The correct answer is c.
The Sprint Backlog should contain enough items to get the Sprint started but items may be added or removed during the Sprint by the Development Team.
- The correct answer is a.
Time-boxed events are events that have a maximum duration.
- The correct answer is c.
Sprint Planning is time-boxed to a maximum of 8 hours for a 1-month Sprint. For shorter Sprints, the event is usually shorter.
- The correct answer is c.
The Daily Scrum serves to inspect work done since the last Daily Scrum and plan work to be done in the next 24 hours.
- The correct answer is e.
The Sprint Planning duration is 4 hours for a monthly Sprint. For shorter Sprints, it is usually shorter.
- The correct answer is b.
To ensure continuous improvement, the Sprint Backlog should include at least one high-priority process improvement identified in the previous Sprint. The Product Backlog should only contain product-specific items.
- The correct...