Booting to Main
The most prevalent language used in microcontroller development is C. The very first microcontrollers were 8-bit processors and programming was done in assembly language. Today, the microcontroller market is currently dominated by 32-bit processors, with Cortex-M holding a considerable market share. A significant amount of code is written in C, with some projects extending into C++. Python is popular for microcontroller applications and new languages such as Rust are also starting to appear, but a solid understanding of C programming is still a must for embedded developers. In this chapter, we will present how to get started with creating, building, running, and debugging C applications on Cortex-M microcontrollers. We will present the important parts of development with C. The focus is not on the language itself, but on the connection between the programming tools, the software, and the hardware.
The chapter is organized around the universal C program known as hello...