Scenario B – external threat hunt
The CSI team begins to set up the war room on-site in the space that the organization set aside. The small conference room has good connectivity, cooling, and even windows! It is also in an area that has low foot traffic and is monitored by the on-site security team via cameras and alarms 24/7. The team lead has a meeting with the security team and a vice president level stakeholder to make sure the expectations for the security of the war room are well understood. They follow the meeting up with an email documenting the conversation.
The room itself is accessible via a card reader and pin. The hunt team is set up with access and starts moving into the space. The team brings in their own equipment to set up in the new war room. All laptops are locked to the desks. All equipment has tracking devices secured to them (for example, tile trackers). There are three additional remote cameras that are installed, giving full coverage of the war room...