What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introduction to Test Automation, introduces readers to the world of testing and test automation as a software engineering practice. It also provides insights into the roles in quality engineering and familiarizes readers with common terms and definitions.
Chapter 2, Test Automation Strategy, discusses test automation strategies and guides readers on how to devise one. It also explores the test automation pyramid and introduces readers to common test automation design patterns.
Chapter 3, Common Tools and Frameworks, establishes the basic tools that are used in test automation. It also explores in detail some of the commonly used test automation frameworks and helps you choose the right framework.
Chapter 4, Getting Started with the Basics, covers some advanced Git commands and introduces readers to IDEs. Readers are then taken through a crash course on JavaScript.
Chapter 5, Test Automation for Web, explores the tool Cypress in detail. It covers the unique aspects of Cypress and goes over the necessary steps of installation and setup. It also helps readers to write a basic test and employ assertions in it. It explains how to intercept API calls and reviews additional considerations for web test automation.
Chapter 6, Test Automation for Mobile, introduces readers to the mobile test automation framework Appium. It goes over the installation and setup and enables readers to write their first mobile automation test using Appium. It also deals with some key considerations of mobile test automation.
Chapter 7, Test Automation for API, explores in detail how to use the Postman tool to perform RESTful API testing. It also provides readers with options to automate API tests in Postman.
Chapter 8, Test Automation for Performance, introduces readers to the JMeter tool and explains how to create and execute performance tests using it. It explores the various useful aspects of JMeter for building a complete performance test. It also reviews certain key considerations when designing performance tests.
Chapter 9, CI/CD and Test Automation, establishes the concepts of CI/CD and deals with how test automation strategies apply to the CI/CD methodology. It also takes readers through a demo of GitHub Actions, which is a built-in CI/CD tool in GitHub.
Chapter 10, Common Issues and Pitfalls, educates readers on some of the common issues faced in test automation and recommends a solution for each of them. It also provides tips on avoiding any pitfalls when implementing test automation projects.
Appendix A, How to Dockerize Automated Tests, helps readers to use container technology to build and run automated tests.