Test automation anti-patterns
An anti-pattern is something that goes against the grain of what should be done in a project. It is important to be mindful of these so that you may recognize and avoid the occurrence. These anti-patterns can be coding- or design- as well as process-oriented. Let us begin with a few coding- and design-based anti-patterns in the next section.
Coding and design anti-patterns in test automation
Test automation code should maintain extremely lofty standards when it comes to stability and reliability. Poorly designed tests result in more time spent on debugging tests rather than developing new product features. This has a ripple effect across teams, thereby leading to the overall degradation of quality and productivity. It is essential to focus on the basics and get them right from the bottom up. Let us begin with the test code quality.
Compromising the code quality in tests
There should be no differentiation between tests and core application logic...