Closing thoughts
Congratulations on making it to the end of this book! We hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we did guiding you. There is a reason Terraform is by far the most popular IAC tool. Terraform is powerful, yet it is easy to get started with. The workflow is straightforward, and the syntax is easy to understand. However, as is the case with any other tool, it takes time and experience to master Terraform. We encourage you to experiment. The beauty of Terraform is that it is as easy and fast to destroy cloud resources as it is to create them. Learn from others. Review the code of the modules in the Terraform Registry and the Google Terraform blueprints.
While each cloud provider has its own unique set of resources, the techniques and best practices are similar regardless of the provider, so study the best practices and apply what works for you.
The Terraform ecosystem is vibrant. New tools, both commercial and open source, appear all the time. Some of them are valuable...