What this book covers
Chapter 1, The Symfony Framework – Installation and Configuration, gives a quick overview of Symfony's history, ways to install and configure it, and ways to use the composer—the dependency manager used within Symfony2.
Chapter 2, Your First Pages, gives you a quick walkthrough over the basic MVC features available in most solutions nowadays. It will demonstrate to you how to create simple controllers and first views, prepare entities, and load sample data.
Chapter 3, Twig Templating and Assets Handling, shows you in details how to handle views, assets managements, and add a frontend library.
Chapter 4, Forms, focuses on form creation. It will show you how to create form types, validate forms, and write data to databases.
Chapter 5, Security and Handling Users, gives you information about Symfony security features. In this chapter, we will create an example of registration and login forms, and how to handle users with the help of an open source bundle.
Chapter 6, Translation, gives information about translation and internalization. You will learn how to create translation files, translate various areas of your application, and choose a good translation strategy.
Chapter 7, AJAX, teaches you how to handle basic AJAX calls. We will also learn about bundles that are useful when you write RESTful applications, how to handle various HTTP methods, and how to serialize data in a JSON structure.
Chapter 8, Command-line Operations, will provide you with examples on how to create a command-line task, which is often useful with tasks executed in background (cron tasks). You will also learn how to send an e-mail through swiftmailer—a component used by default within the Symfony framework to handle e-mail sending.
Chapter 9, Symfony2 Profiler and Debugger, is where you will learn about the Web Debug Toolbar and profiler. We will examine the possibilities offered by these tools and write some code to demonstrate debugging and profiling features.
Chapter 10, Preparing an Application for Production, will give you an overview of the tasks that are usually done when your project needs to be deployed. You will also get an overview of various deployment strategies, and you will be able to check your framework and bundles against known security issues.