Blending Flow and Apex

Ah, the eternal question: Apex or Flow? It’s like choosing between a trusty hammer and a versatile Swiss Army knife. In the previous section, we ventured into the world of Apex, witnessing its raw power in enabling customizable Salesforce applications through DI patterns, interfaces, virtual base classes, and custom metadata. Apex, like a mighty hammer, provides a robust solution for crafting tailored applications but requires a certain level of programming expertise to wield its power effectively.
Now, let’s talk about Flow, the Swiss Army knife of Salesforce customizations. Flow offers an easier way for end customers to customize business processes without having to master the art of Apex code. It’s like switching from a hammer to a versatile tool that has a little bit of everything.
You know the old saying: “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”? Well, that’s true in the world...