You will need a computer capable of running Linux virtual machines. The examples in the book use Debian and Enterprise Linux-based distributions (RHEL and CentOS). Some of the examples will require multiple virtual machines to be run concurrently. You will need a host machine capable of running three or four virtual machines simultaneously. A minimum of 8 GB of RAM is suggested for performance reasons. To configure a test environment similar to that used in the production of the book, Vagrant should be used. Vagrant is a tool developed by Hashicorp to enable quick deployment of virtual machines via a definition file,  Vagrantfile. More information on Vagrantfile syntax is available at Vagrantfile used to build the example systems in this book is provided in the files section. To effectively use the Vagrantfile provided, you will need to install the vagrant-hosts plugin. To do so, issue the following command:
[t@mylaptop ~] $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts
Installing the 'vagrant-hosts' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Fetching: vagrant-hosts-2.8.2.gem (100%)
Installed the plugin 'vagrant-hosts (2.8.2)'!
This will allow Vagrant to update the /etc/hosts file on your nodes with host entries for the other nodes in your test environment (for example, and It is also convenient to configure ssh to connect to your test machines. After copying down Vagrantfile into a directory on your machine, cd into that directory. Check whether Vagrant is configured properly using the following command:
[t@mylaptop ~/cookbook] $ vagrant status
Current machine states:
cookbook poweroff (virtualbox)
puppet running (virtualbox)
This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.
Now, copy the output of the following command into the .ssh/config file in your home directory as shown here:
[t@mylaptop ~/cookbook] $ vagrant ssh-config puppet >>~/.ssh/config
This will enable you to do the following:
[t@mylaptop ~/cookbook] $ ssh puppet
Last login: Mon Jun 18 20:13:21 2018 from
Managed by puppet 5.5.2
[vagrant@puppet ~]$ hostname