Mission briefing
In this project, we'll be creating a menu on a website to navigate through our embedded prezi. We'll be using HTML and CSS for the menu and we'll be using JavaScript to create the interactivity.
The prezi we'll be using in this project is The world of bees from Project 3, I Want to Use Prezi For My Lessons. Using the menu, the user can jump straight to a specific item and he gets a good overview about the content of the prezi.
You can choose whether the user is also allowed to freely navigate the prezi with the mouse or if they should use the the navigation menu.
You'll find the project at www.prezihotshot.com, where you can try the navigation yourself. If you don't want to type the code yourself or if you're afraid of making typos you can right click the webpage, select View Source and copy the code.
The following screenshot shows the overview of the prezi, which is also the starting point when you view the webpage:

Here, we clicked on the menu item Evolution to zoom into that...