When you are out there looking at your audience, looking forward to showing your prezi, feeling well prepared (yep! You rehearsed!), and so ready, that's what it's all about—that's when your prezi comes to life.
Prezi's presenting
features support all kinds of presenters. Whether you prefer a detailed plan and a strict path for your prezi or you want to use a looser, improvisational style, you will find that Prezi is the tool for you.
Mastering Prezi's presenting features is a must for a successful presentation. Fortunately, these features are easy to learn and understand, making it possible for all presenters to feel at home in these functions.
This chapter covers all the functions in Prezi's present mode.
See also
You can download a portable Prezi—a file type designed just for presenting. If you need to refresh your memory on this topic, please read Chapter 15, Sharing and Collaborating.
Connecting to a projector requires a special...