The six conditions for creativity
What follows are six conditions necessary to obtain optimal creativity and getting to the open mode when you need it the most. As you will see, although they were not intended for a UX designer, they transfer nicely. Also note that while Cleese introduced five conditions during his talk, a sixth one has been added (agreement), because in a work oriented project setting, if you do not have an agreement about what the business and customer/user goals and objectives are then the other conditions are irrelevant. I will explain more about this in a moment.
The six conditions for optimal creativity and getting to open mode are as follows:
- Space: Finding the physical space to be creative
- Time: Putting aside time for creativity to occur
- Time: Allowing yourself enough time to be creative
- Confidence: Knowing when to switch between open and closed modes
- Humor: Allowing for and embracing failure
- Agreement: Gaining an agreement that your approach is sound
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