Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe game with effects
Web forms should be as user-friendly as possible to ease the life of users. Users should be clear as to which part they are interacting with.
In this recipe we will create a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. You may have already played this game as a kid. This will present a good example of how different sections of a page can be highlighted for a user to let him or her know where he or she is interacting on the page.
Ours will be a two-player game where we will present the user with a grid of 3*3 or 5*5 depending on his selection. Hovering over a box in the grid will highlight that box and clicking on a box will put either a cross or a circle depending on the player's turn. With every mark made on the grid, we will switch user turns and check if a user has won or not.
Getting ready
Create a folder named Recipe1
inside the Chapter6
directory. For this recipe we will need two more images: one for a cross and one for a circle as the game demands. Using paint or any...