Reading files having one field per row
When you use one of the Kettle steps meant for reading files, Kettle expects the data to be organized in rows, where the columns are the fields. Suppose that instead of having a file with that structure, your file has one attribute per row, as in the following example:
Mastering Joomla! 1.5 Extension and Framework Development Published: November 2007 Our price: $30.99 CakePHP 1.3 Application Development Cookbook: RAW Expected: December 2010 Our price: $24.99 Firebug 1.5: Editing, Debugging, and Monitoring Web Pages Published: April 2010 Our price: $21.99 jQuery Reference Guide ...
This file contains book information. In the file, each book is described in three rows: one for the title, one for the published or expected publishing date, and one row for the price.
There is no direct way to tell Kettle how to interpret these rows, but a simple transformation can do the trick.
Getting ready
Create a file containing the preceding text or download the sample...