Creating property aliases
Property alias is for telling the BPEL process how to extract the value of the property from the specified message. The property aliases assist us in mapping a property to a field in a specific message part and that can be used in XPath expressions. Multiple property aliases may be required for correlation, such as the one for instantiation and another one for validation.
To create a property alias in JDeveloper, double-click on the Property Aliases icon, as shown in the following screenshot. Select the correlation set to associate with a property alias. If the message part is an element or a complex type, you can define an XPath query to identify the location of the property within the element or type. In the Query field, add appropriate XPath expressions. An XPath expression is for navigating within an XML document and helps to directly define a part of the XML document.
As a final verification, you may review the WSDL file content to ensure that the properties...