Enabling/disabling a Validate action dynamically
In the previous recipe, we have seen how to use a Validate action for performing message validation. The problem of using message validation is that it can involve quite some overhead and often it's no longer necessary after some period of testing. Instead of removing it from the code, it would be nice to keep it in the code, so that it can be enabled dynamically if needed. This recipe will show how this can be achieved with a Java Callout and an If Else action.

The Java Callout action will invoke a Java method which accesses a bean configured by the Spring framework application context. This bean holds the condition of whether the validation should be performed or not. Spring makes it easy to expose a bean through JMX, which we will use to dynamically enable/disable the message validation.
Getting ready
You can import the OSB project containing the solution of the previous recipe into Eclipse OEPE from \chapter-9\getting-ready\enabling-validate...