Initiating BPM from JMS
Up to now, for all the phases of the BPM development lifecycle, you have used Human Tasks to initiate the BPM SalesToContract process. However, in real-time scenarios, this is rare case. Initiation of the BPM process takes place through either exposing the BPM process as a web service, through BPM reading a JMS, or through BPM PAPI APIs. Other mechanisms may include processes instantiated with e-mails/file/batch (that is, from enterprise information systems) and scheduled mechanisms, such as using timers. In this section, you will explore how to initiate a BPM process through JMS queue.
The SalesToContract process is a part of the supplier process. Supplier_ABCS will be created, which will produce the QuoteRequest message on a JMS queue. Your SalesToContract process will consume those messages by subscribing to the same JMS queue. This will eventually lead to initiation of the SalesToContract BPM process.
You will create a JMS queue and a Supplier_ABCS BPEL service...