What this book covers
Chapter 1, Setting Up OpenCV for Java, covers the setting up of a library and development environment. This chapter covers Eclipse and NetBeans IDEs, as well as explaining the Ant and Maven build tools configuration.
Chapter 2, Handling Matrices, Files, Cameras, and GUIs, shows how to access matrices at the pixel level as well as how to load and display images from files and web cameras. It also covers the Swing widget toolkit support and how to work with OpenCV.
Chapter 3, Image Filters and Morphological Operators, deals with the process of removing noise from images as well as morphological operators. It also explains image pyramids and topics such as flood fill and image thresholding.
Chapter 4, Image Transforms, explains important transformations to find edges, such as the Gradient and Sobel filters. Additionally, it also explains line and circle Hough transforms, which are used to identify not only straight but also radial lines. The Discrete Fourier analysis and some distance transforms are also explained in this chapter.
Chapter 5, Object Detection Using Ada Boost and Haar Cascades, demonstrates how to create your own classifier to find some objects, as well as how to use the famous face detection classifier.
Chapter 6, Detecting Foreground and Background Regions and Depth with a Kinect Device, explores the important problem of extracting your background. Furthermore, it explains how to use a Kinect device to retrieve depth information.
Chapter 7, OpenCV on the Server Side, explains how to set up a web server application with OpenCV.