High-Level View of Text Summarization
We can look at the topic of text summarization from different angles. The following figure shows how we will proceed:
Figure 6.1: This diagram shows the ways in which we can classify text summarization
We will discuss each aspect of text suammarization in detail in the coming sections.
There are a number of different angles from which we can view the topic of text summarization. First, we can look at the purpose of text summarization, where we are interested in knowing what people generally use it for. This is further divided into three parts:
- Generic summarization: Text summarizers can operate on any text input of sufficient length and they can perform adequately on sources from many different domains. If your project objectives do not care what the domain is and can accept sources from many different fields, then you can use generic summarizers, possibly provided in a tool such as Gensim.
- Domain...