Setting up Zookeeper using Docker
In Chapter 3 , Deploying Microservices on Mesos, we learned a little bit about Zookeeper. To keep it very simple, Zookeeper is a cluster-management tool that is mainly used for storing your cluster configurations. Zookeeper is used by several Apache big data projects such as Mesos, Kafka, and Bookkeeper. In this chapter, we will see how we can use Zookeeper to store our microservice configurations and later use them to perform load-balancing. This recipe will show you how to start Zookeeper and Exhibitor using Docker. Exhibitor is a management interface for Zookeeper. In addition to providing a web interface to manage Zookeeper, it also performs log file cleanups and backups. We will be using the Exhibitor web interface to verify that our service was registered on Zookeeper.
Getting ready
We now know that we need two components:
They could either be two individual containers linked together via
or could coexist in the same...