Chapter 9: Use Case Scenario 3 – Valtio
Valtio ( is yet another library for global state. Unlike Zustand and Jotai, it's based on the mutating update model. It's primarily for module states like Zustand. It utilizes proxies to get an immutable snapshot, which is required to integrate with React.
The API is just JavaScript and everything works behind the scenes. It also leverages proxies to automatically optimize re-renders. It doesn't require a selector to control re-renders. The automatic render optimization is based on a technique called state usage tracking. Using state usage tracking, it can detect which part of the state is used, and it can let a component re-render only if the used part of the state is changed. In the end, developers need to write less code.
In this chapter, we will learn about the basic usage of the Valtio library and how it deals with mutating updates. Snapshots are a key feature to create an immutable...