In the previous section, we implemented the ElixirDrip text search functionality by using Task.async_stream/5 to search several text files at the same time. The text search function lived on the ElixirDrip.Storage.Search module and its last iteration could be used like this:
iex> alias ElixirDrip.Storage.Search
iex> media_ids = ["25", "8", "6", "7"]
iex> search_expression = "media"
iex> Search.safe_task_stream_search_for(media_ids,
"6" => [{1, "Content of media 6."}],
"7" => [{1, "Content of media 7."}],
"8" => [{1, "Content of media 8."}]
It returned a map with entries for every searched file whose search ended on the allotted time. For each media id, it yields a list of two-element tuples, where the first...