Building clusters with EKS Blueprints and Terraform
In this book, we mainly used eksctl
to build our clusters and leverage add-ons to support simpler upgrades of standard components, such as the VPC CNI plugin or kube-proxy. We also deployed additional software such as Prometheus and KEDA (Chapter 18). EKS blueprints provides you with a way to build an opinionated cluster, with this operational software already deployed. This simplifies the job of the platform of DevOps engineers, and they can use blueprints to repeatedly build clusters for different environments and/or teams with very little effort.
EKS Blueprint Clusters are built using AWS CDK, which is a set of libraries and constructs that allow you to create and deploy complex CloudFormation templates, using standard programming languages such as TypeScript or Python. Recently, AWS has released EKS Blueprints for Terraform, and this is what we will use in the rest of the section to create a cluster that can be used by our...