In transfer learning, the trained model is developed by training on a lot of data. So, if your class belongs to one of the following, there is no reason to train the model for these classes. The 80 classes trained for YOLO v3 are as follows:
Person, bicycle, car, motorbike, airplane, bus, train, truck, boat, traffic light, fire hydrant, stop sign, parking meter, bench, bird, cat, dog, horse, sheep, cow, elephant, bear, zebra, giraffe, backpack, umbrella, handbag, tie, suitcase, frisbee, skis, snowboard, sports ball, kite, baseball bat, baseball glove, skateboard, surfboard. tennis racket, bottle, wine glass, cup, fork, knife, spoon, bowl, banana, apple, sandwich, orange, broccoli, carrot, hot dog, pizza, donut, cake, chair, sofa, potted plant, bed, dining table, toilet, tv monitor, laptop, mouse, remote, keyboard, cell phone, microwave, oven, toaster, sink...