Search relevance
Relevance is a measurement of the user's satisfaction with the response to their search query. It completely depends on the context of the search. Sometimes, the same document can be searched by different classes of people for different context. For example, the search query higher tax payer in India can be searched by:
- An income tax department in the context of their duty
- Chartered accountants in the context of their professional interest
- Students in the context of gaining knowledge
The comprehensiveness of any response depends on the context of the search. Sometimes, the context is high, such as searching for legal information; sometimes, it is low, when someone is searching for context such as specific dance steps. So, during Solr configuration, we need to take care of this too.
There are two terms that play an important role in relevance:
- Precision: Precision is the percentage of documents in the returned results that are relevant.
- Recall: Recall is the percentage of relevant...