Answering FAQs using QnA Maker
QnA Maker allows us to use existing frequently asked questions (FAQ) to create a bot that answers these questions. We can generate a knowledge base from existing FAQs, and train a model from it.
To get started, head over to Log on or register, by clicking Sign in
, in the top right corner. This will present you with the following screen:

If no services have been created yet, the list will be empty.
Creating a knowledge base from frequently asked questions
If no services have been created, we can create one by clicking on theĀ Create new service
tab. This will present us with the following screen:

- Enter a name for the service.
- Enter the baseline FAQs to use. This can either be in the form of one or more URLs, or a file containing questions and answer pairs. For our example, we will be generating a knowledge base from the URL.
- Let the rest of the settings be default.
- Click
If you do not have any FAQ to use, you can use the following from...