Moving Elements
With the Back to top links, we created new elements and inserted them on the page. It’s also possible to take elements from one place on the page and insert them into another place. A practical application of this type of insertion is the dynamic placement and formatting of footnotes. One footnote already appears in the original Flatland text that we are using for this example, but we’ll designate a couple of other portions of the text as footnotes, too, for the purpose of this demonstration:
<p>Rarely—in proportion to the vast numbers of Isosceles births—is a genuine and certifiable Equal-Sided Triangle produced from Isosceles parents. <span class="footnote">"What need of a certificate?" a Spaceland critic may ask: "Is not the procreation of a Square Son a certificate from Nature herself, proving the Equal-sidedness of the Father?" I reply that no Lady of any position will marry an uncertified Triangle. Square offspring has sometimes resulted from a slightly...