Chapter 2. Foundation for Creating an App using Angular.JS
Now that we have had an introduction to Grunt, and Grunt dependencies, in Chapter 1, Grunt Dependencies we can move forward and look at how we can set up a project scaffold and be ready to begin development. While this chapter deals with the creation of an Angular.JS application, your project does not have to be an Angular application in order to use Grunt. We are simply using Angular as an example as it is such a popular frontend framework. As such, we won't get too deep into Angular.JS since the scope of information is broad enough that we could write an entirely separate book. It should also be noted that Grunt exists as the build system used in a project called Yeoman. Yeoman combines scaffolding (yo), build systems (Grunt), and a package manager, for example, for a complete application generator solution. As we are focused on Grunt, we will not be using Yeoman in the following examples. Be sure to check out Yeoman...