In this chapter, we went beyond the basics of just creating AAA games with Lumberyard. We looked at how Lumberyard can be used to create Virtual Reality applications. Our VR discussion included tips on how to test your VR game on an actual head-mounted device. We then looked at the Waf Build system, the publishing release system used by Lumberyard. Next, we explored how cut scenes can be constructed using Lumberyard's cinematics system. Later, the advanced topics of system streaming and memory handling were also covered. Finally, we ended the chapter with a review of two additional Amazon Web Services (Simple Query Service and Simple Notification Service).
You have come a long way since the first chapter. Lumberyard is an exciting new game engine and continues to mature at a rapid pace. You are now armed with enough knowledge to start building your own games with Lumberyard. There is so much more to learn and you'll continually learn as you develop. Have fun!