Getting started with ASP.NET Core and Blazor
Blazor is a web development framework that provides C# developers with an alternative to JavaScript when building client-side web applications. Blazor is a part of ASP.NET Core and was first introduced with ASP.NET Core 3.0. Let’s start by exploring a brief history of ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core.
A brief history of ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET was Microsoft’s .NET-based web development framework that was first released in 2002. The early versions of ASP.NET used a client development model called Web Forms, which was intended as a web equivalent of Windows Forms (WinForms) client applications. Web Forms was popular with .NET web developers but did not adhere to many web development best practices and patterns. Many developers were critical of the large amount of ViewState data sent over the wire with every server request and response.
In response to Web Forms criticism, the ASP.NET team released ASP.NET MVC in 2009...