In this chapter, we will practice with OpenShift deployed on the VM managed by Vagrant. The last section on auto-scaling requires Hawkular metrics to be enabled, so you will have to install OpenShift with openshift_metrics_install_metrics Ansible variable. The metrics collector and dashboard are deployed in their own pods, so we will also need to provide the VM with more RAM. Use the following Vagrantfile to deploy the lab:
$ cat Vagrantfile
$lab_openshift = <<SCRIPT
yum -y update
yum install -y epel-release git docker httpd-tools java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
yum install -y ansible python-passlib
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
git clone -b release-3.9 /root/openshift-ansible
ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -N ''
cp /root/.ssh/ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys